Treatment Services

  • Transportation to appointments
  • Career Counseling
  • Job Employment Placement
  • Outings
  • Catered Meals and Groceries Provided
  • Case Management
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Sober Life Coaching & Mentoring

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    What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

    Dialectical behavior therapy is based on the belief that individuals have the ability to overcome difficulties. Its main goal is to provide people with the necessary tools and techniques to manage their emotions, regulate their behavior, and have positive interactions with others.

    Studies show that dialectical behavior therapy is an effective method for treating borderline personality disorder and related issues, such as substance abuse. Furthermore, dialectical behavior therapy has been successful in alleviating symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder and depression.

    The Primary Elements of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

    Dialectical behavior therapy typically includes one-on-one therapy sessions, weekly group skills training, and regular therapist meetings. This comprehensive approach is helpful for individuals coping with borderline personality disorder, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and other issues.

    Individual Therapy

    When DBT is mentioned, people usually associate it with individual therapy sessions. The main goal of these sessions is to help clients improve their self-acceptance and motivation, and show them how to effectively use the skills they learn in situations beyond therapy.

    Skills Training

    The objective of DBT’s skills training sessions is to teach clients useful behavioral skills in a classroom-style environment led by a clinician. Clients are given homework assignments to practice these skills in their day-to-day routine.

    Consultation Team

    Consultation meetings between clinicians aim to support therapists providing DBT services in their work with people who have challenging and severe disorders, helping them maintain their motivation and competence.

    Finding Dialectical Behavior Therapy Near Me

    If you or someone you care about is coping with a mental health issue or addiction, it’s essential to seek help from a certified expert. You might want to contact a reliable DBT therapist near you for assistance and access to the required resources.

    My Limitless Journeys offers outpatient DBT therapy delivered by a team of experienced mental health professionals, who tailor treatment plans based on individual needs and objectives. Our location is convenient and accessible to those seeking assistance.

    Our comprehensive DBT program helps clients make sustainable positive changes in their lives. Our dedicated staff works closely with each individual to provide necessary skills and strategies to overcome challenges, improve overall well-being, and achieve long-term recovery.

    To start building a brighter future, reach out and connect with My Limitless Journey’s well-known DBT therapy services instead of struggling alone.

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